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Dr. Peter Constable

MSD Vet Manual Launches Series of Editorial Board Member Interviews


The Veterinary Manual has an editorial advisory board composed of distinguished veterinarians who provide advice on content related to their expertise. This year, the Manual launches a series of short video interviews with several board members so users of the Manual can get to know the board members and learn about topics of current interest in veterinary medicine.

The interviews are published on our editorial board page. In the video above, Dr. Peter Davies, of the Department of Veterinary Population Medicine, University of Minnesota, discusses the importance of veterinarian and livestock producer relationships.
Dr. Peter Constable

MSD Vet Manual Launches Series of Editorial Board Member Interviews


The Veterinary Manual has an editorial advisory board composed of distinguished veterinarians who provide advice on content related to their expertise. This year, the Manual launches a series of short video interviews with several board members so users of the Manual can get to know the board members and learn about topics of current interest in veterinary medicine.

The interviews are published on our editorial board page. In the video above, Dr. Peter Davies, of the Department of Veterinary Population Medicine, University of Minnesota, discusses the importance of veterinarian and livestock producer relationships.