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Find information on animal health topics, written for the veterinary professional.

Content Providers

A KYU Design

A KYU Design is the professional studio founded by Adam Questell to create striking imagery with both accuracy and value. The studio is continually committed to both the form and function of visual communications by pushing the medium of 3D illustration and animation for the medical, scientific, industrial, and biotech communities.

AVG Medical Writing, LLC

AVG Medical Writing, LLC, provides evidence-based writing services for the veterinary market. Founder Amy Van Gels, DVM, relies on her experience practicing companion-animal medicine to write clinically relevant documents for veterinarians and their staff. She simplifies complex medical topics to educate pet owners and sales teams about diseases and their treatments. AVG Medical Writing, LLC, is passionate about relaying accurate medical information to everyone who impacts patient care, at every level of medical knowledge.

RSi Communications

RSi Communications creates educational programs and medical news reports via Web site and podcast for health care professionals. Founded in 1976, the company applies leading-edge technology to the needs of practicing professionals. The resulting solutions include innovative communication programs for medical publishers, medical societies and schools, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies.

Suzanne Pratt Works LLC

With over 20 years experience in scientific and medical writing, Suzanne Pratt Works creates written content that is clear, concise, and targeted to your audience. We provide writing and editing support to research organizations, biotechnology companies, professional associations, publishers, and individual authors covering a broad range of topics in medicine and the life sciences.

Michael Sozanski, DVM, DABVP

Dr. Sozanski is a Diplomate of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (Canine and Feline Practice). He is a 1979 graduate of Cornell University and currently practices in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is the  developer and owner of, a website designed to help veterinarians easily calculate dosages of common anesthetic, emergency and pain control drugs for their feline and canine patients.