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4-Ipomeanol Toxicity (Moldy Sweet Potato) and Perilla Ketone Toxicity (Purple Mint Toxicity) in Cattle

By John Campbell, DVM, DVSc, Professor, Large Animal Clinical Sciences, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan

Clinicopathologic syndromes indistinguishable from acute bovine pulmonary emphysema and edema (ABPEE, see Acute Bovine Pulmonary Emphysema and Edema) occur after ingestion of either moldy sweet potatoes infested with Fusarium solani, or the wild mint Perilla frutescens. Moldy sweet potato toxicity is caused by the ingestion of a furanoterpenoid toxin produced by sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatus) in response to infestation with the fungus F solani; the end result is production of the pneumotoxin 4-ipomeanol. Perilla ketone toxicity is caused by ingestion of the leaves and seeds of the plant P frutescens (purple mint), which contains a pneumotoxin and is found in the southeastern USA. The pathogeneses of both these conditions are similar to that of ABPEE, as is approach to treatment.