Overview of Hepatic Disease in Small Animals
- Hepatic Disease in Small Animals
- Overview of Hepatic Disease in Small Animals
- Hematology in Hepatic Disease in Small Animals
- Coagulation Tests in Hepatic Disease in Small Animals
- Enzyme Activity in Hepatic Disease in Small Animals
- Other Serum Biochemical Measures in Hepatic Disease in Small Animals
- Hepatic Function Tests in Small Animals
- Imaging in Hepatic Disease in Small Animals
- Cholecystocentesis in Hepatic Disease in Small Animals
- Liver Cytology in Small Animals
- Liver Biopsy in Small Animals
- Pathologic Changes in Bile in Small Animals
- Nutrition in Hepatic Disease in Small Animals
- Fulminant Hepatic Failure in Small Animals
- Hepatic Encephalopathy in Small Animals
- Portal Hypertension and Ascites in Small Animals
- Portosystemic Vascular Malformations in Small Animals
- Acquired Portosystemic Shunts in Small Animals
- Other Hepatic Vascular Disorders in Small Animals
- Hepatotoxins in Small Animals
- Infectious Diseases of the Liver in Small Animals
- Feline Hepatic Lipidosis
- Biliary Cirrhosis in Small Animals
- Canine Cholangiohepatitis
- Canine Chronic Hepatitis
- Lobular Dissecting Hepatitis in Small Animals
- Canine Vacuolar Hepatopathy
- Metabolic Diseases Affecting the Liver in Small Animals
- Hepatocutaneous Syndrome in Small Animals
- Nodular Hyperplasia in Small Animals
- Hepatic Neoplasia in Small Animals
- Miscellaneous Liver Diseases in Small Animals
- Diseases of the Gallbladder and Extrahepatic Biliary System in Small Animals
- Cholecystitis in Small Animals
- Canine Gallbladder Mucocele
- Other Disorders of the Gallbladder in Small Animals
- Other Disorders of the Bile Ducts in Small Animals
- Extrahepatic Bile Duct Obstruction in Small Animals
- Cholelithiasis in Small Animals
- Biliary Tree Rupture and Bile Peritonitis in Small Animals
- Feline Cholangitis/Cholangiohepatitis Syndrome
- Hepatobiliary Fluke Infection in Small Animals
The liver performs numerous functions, including but not limited to lipid, carbohydrate, and protein metabolism; storage, metabolism, and activation of vitamins; storage of minerals, glycogen, and triglycerides; extramedullary hematopoiesis; and synthesis of coagulant, anticoagulant, and several acute phase proteins. It also influences immunologic responses and contributes to digestion through synthesis and enterohepatic circulation of bile acids and detoxification of many endogenous and exogenous compounds, toxins, and xenobiotics. Because the liver has a large functional reserve and the ability to regenerate, hepatic injury must be considerable or chronic and recurrent to cause overt hepatic dysfunction or failure.
Active liver injury is accompanied by increased liver enzyme activity, with cytosolic transaminases (ALT, AST) acutely reflecting altered membrane permeability or viability or the phenomenon of membrane blebbing, and membrane-affiliated enzyme induction (alkaline phosphatase [ALP], γ-glutamyl transferase [GGT]) reflecting cholestasis and increased protein transcription (enzyme induction). The liver is predisposed to secondary injury owing to its sentinel position between the systemic circulation and GI tract and because it contains the largest population of fixed macrophages (Kupffer cells) in the body. Macrophage phagocytosis can initiate release of a cascade of inflammatory cytokines, leading to local cellular damage and recruitment of inflammatory infiltrates. The considerable metabolic activity of the liver exaggerates its exposure to noxious products, particularly in the centrilobular region, where high cytochrome p450 activity produces noxious products and adducts. Hepatocytes in this region also are more easily injured by hypoxia. The accumulation of hepatic copper and/or iron can initiate and augment liver injury through oxidative mechanisms.
Clinical signs of liver injury vary depending on the type, mechanism, and chronicity of the insult. Common clinical features may include anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, and fever. With severe, diffuse liver injury, animals may become jaundiced and demonstrate polyuria and polydipsia (PU/PD), coagulation abnormalities, and ascites. Ascites indicates development of portal hypertension and is typically associated with formation of acquired portosystemic shunts (APSSs) and concurrent hypoalbuminemia. Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) develops in acquired liver disease only when diffuse fibrosis and APSSs have developed, in acute fulminant liver failure, or secondary to congenital portosystemic shunts (congenital malformations of the portal vein that shunt portal blood directly to the systemic circulation). Fecal color may change with complete occlusion of bile ducts (acholic or pale-colored feces) or because of increased enteric bilirubin elimination (green fecal color). Hepatomegaly is found with diffuse infiltrative or storage disorders, acute extrahepatic bile duct obstruction (EHBDO), congenital biliary cystic malformations, or passive congestion, whereas microhepatica (small liver) usually reflects portal venous hypoperfusion, diversion of enteric hepatotrophic factors normally delivered in the portal circulation, or the presence of chronic hepatic fibrosis in dogs.
- Hepatic Disease in Small Animals
- Overview of Hepatic Disease in Small Animals
- Hematology in Hepatic Disease in Small Animals
- Coagulation Tests in Hepatic Disease in Small Animals
- Enzyme Activity in Hepatic Disease in Small Animals
- Other Serum Biochemical Measures in Hepatic Disease in Small Animals
- Hepatic Function Tests in Small Animals
- Imaging in Hepatic Disease in Small Animals
- Cholecystocentesis in Hepatic Disease in Small Animals
- Liver Cytology in Small Animals
- Liver Biopsy in Small Animals
- Pathologic Changes in Bile in Small Animals
- Nutrition in Hepatic Disease in Small Animals
- Fulminant Hepatic Failure in Small Animals
- Hepatic Encephalopathy in Small Animals
- Portal Hypertension and Ascites in Small Animals
- Portosystemic Vascular Malformations in Small Animals
- Acquired Portosystemic Shunts in Small Animals
- Other Hepatic Vascular Disorders in Small Animals
- Hepatotoxins in Small Animals
- Infectious Diseases of the Liver in Small Animals
- Feline Hepatic Lipidosis
- Biliary Cirrhosis in Small Animals
- Canine Cholangiohepatitis
- Canine Chronic Hepatitis
- Lobular Dissecting Hepatitis in Small Animals
- Canine Vacuolar Hepatopathy
- Metabolic Diseases Affecting the Liver in Small Animals
- Hepatocutaneous Syndrome in Small Animals
- Nodular Hyperplasia in Small Animals
- Hepatic Neoplasia in Small Animals
- Miscellaneous Liver Diseases in Small Animals
- Diseases of the Gallbladder and Extrahepatic Biliary System in Small Animals
- Cholecystitis in Small Animals
- Canine Gallbladder Mucocele
- Other Disorders of the Gallbladder in Small Animals
- Other Disorders of the Bile Ducts in Small Animals
- Extrahepatic Bile Duct Obstruction in Small Animals
- Cholelithiasis in Small Animals
- Biliary Tree Rupture and Bile Peritonitis in Small Animals
- Feline Cholangitis/Cholangiohepatitis Syndrome
- Hepatobiliary Fluke Infection in Small Animals