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Cholecystocentesis in Hepatic Disease in Small Animals

By Sharon A. Center, BS, DVM, DACVIM, Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University

Cholecystocentesis is the aspiration sampling of gallbladder bile; this can be completed using a percutaneous transhepatic ultrasound-guided approach, by laparoscopic assistance, or during exploratory abdominal surgery. Samples of bile are collected for cytologic investigation and culture of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and fungi; collection of bile that contains particulate debris or sediment has the highest yield to find microorganisms (cytologically, by culture). Complications of cholecystocentesis may include intraperitoneal bile leakage (reduced by using a transhepatic approach), hemorrhage, hemobilia, bacteremia, and vasovagal reaction, especially in cats, that may result in ventilatory arrest, severe bradycardia, and death. If a gallbladder mucocele or EHBDO is suspected, cholecystocentesis is contraindicated. It is better to perform a cholecystectomy for gallbladder mucocele and surgically decompress EHBDO (relieve or bypass the obstruction).