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Find information on animal health topics, written for the veterinary professional.

man with senior dog and cat

Pets are Living Longer and That May Bring New Challenges to Owners


New options for treating diseases, and better nutrition for dogs and cats, has led to more and more pets living into their teens and twenties. As animals live longer, owners face new challenges as they decide what’s best for their older pets.

Read more about the challenges facing owners of older pets at Washingtonian. 

For more information on nutrition in pets, see the MSD Veterinary Manual.

man with senior dog and cat

Pets are Living Longer and That May Bring New Challenges to Owners


New options for treating diseases, and better nutrition for dogs and cats, has led to more and more pets living into their teens and twenties. As animals live longer, owners face new challenges as they decide what’s best for their older pets.

Read more about the challenges facing owners of older pets at Washingtonian. 

For more information on nutrition in pets, see the MSD Veterinary Manual.