Overview of Management of Reproduction: Sheep
- Management of Reproduction: Sheep
- Overview of Management of Reproduction: Sheep
- Reproductive Physiology of Sheep
- Measuring Reproductive Performance of Sheep
- Factors Affecting Reproductive Performance of Sheep
- Breeding Programs of Sheep
- Pregnancy Determination in Sheep
- Prenatal Losses in Sheep
- Ram Management
- Artificial Insemination in Sheep
When establishing a flock health management program for reproduction, it is important to remember these points: 1) Sheep are short-day polyestrous breeders, ie, estrus occurs in response to shortening day length. 2) The ovulatory season tends to be in the autumn and early winter months; the anovulatory season in the late winter, spring, and early summer months; and the transition season in the late summer months. 3) There is tremendous breed-to-breed variation in prolificacy and length of the ovulatory season.
- Management of Reproduction: Sheep
- Overview of Management of Reproduction: Sheep
- Reproductive Physiology of Sheep
- Measuring Reproductive Performance of Sheep
- Factors Affecting Reproductive Performance of Sheep
- Breeding Programs of Sheep
- Pregnancy Determination in Sheep
- Prenatal Losses in Sheep
- Ram Management
- Artificial Insemination in Sheep